How to Open ePub Files on your Computer

in Electronics

Nowadays many ebooks are in the ePub format.The first time you saw a file with the .epub extension, you may wonder “What does EPUB mean?” It means “Electronic Publishing”. It is a commonly-seen ebook format, and several ebook readers and handheld ebook reading devices are able to read epub ebooks without any problem such as Sony Reader, iPod Touch, Nook and so on. But most of the time, this type of file cannot be opened directly on your computer unless you have installed an epub ebook reading software or application. Here I am going to show you an easy way to open epub files on your computer.

How to open epub files?
1. Go to and download the free ebook management software: Calibre. It is a free software so you don’t need to pay any money to get it.

2. Choose the correct version of Calibre to download. There are 4 versions of Calibre on the site and they are for Windows, OS X, Linux and Portable respectively. You make your choice based on the operating system that you are using.

3. Install Calibre on your computer. It is a small software and you can install it easily.

4. After installation, launch the software and add the file that you want to read. Calibre is a versatile ebook reader and it can open multiple types of files including mobi, snb, lit, tpz and more. It can even open compressed files like rar or zip.

5. Once the file added into your Calibre library, you just use your mouse double click on the title and your ebook will be loaded and opened into a new window.

If you want to read epub files on your computer but you don’t want to install any software for that purpose, you can try Bookworm online at Bookworm is a free web-based platform where you can read epub files online. But you do need internet access to reach their service. And also you need to register an account to enjoy their service. Once you have obtained your account, you can upload your ebooks and read them on the web.


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